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Julie Anne Lee
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(Talk 1) The Over-Cultured Canine
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), histamine intolerance and too many probiotics can be a complicating factor in so many pathologies we see in dogs today.
Julie Anne Lee DCH has been one of the leading experts on Canine microbiota for over 15 years and has lectured world wide, to the public and veterinary universities on the topic of Leaky Gut.
Her philosophy is the gut is the foundation of health and along with a species appropriate lifestyle, canines should be thriving and living relatively disease free. This was the first form of action with thousands of patients at her holistic veterinary hospital and last year she raised the bar in the field of gut health by launching the world’s first species-specific canine probiotic.
At RNDS 2019 Julie Anne will be lecturing on what she calls "The infinite information that the gut provides to unravel chronic disease and “allergies”
"It’s amazing to me how this one system in the body has helped to guide me into a deeper understanding of chronic disease. The knowledge it has been providing is as diverse and ever-changing as the ecosystem it evolves from. I’m sure I could lecture every year on this foundation to provide something new and more fascinating in understanding how to support your dog’s health and longevity”
(Talk 2) Advancing Canine Cancer Research
Could a life supporting substance of nature actually create programmed cancer cell death?
There are so many amazing advancements being made today yet most of it is in the field of human medicine. For the last two years Julie Anne has been working beside a prominent cancer researcher in his university cancer lab looking at the potential of two natural substances in the prevention and treatment of cancer in dogs.
But the really exciting news is this research has been performed using canine cancer cell cultures! This year at RNDS Julie will have completed the second phase and will be presenting the results.
“I never know what the outcome will be in anything I do but my search through nature and science, right down to the spirit and soul, will never stop trying to support the joy and health for the animals of this world and their people.” ~ Julie Anne